About Us
Inspiring you to cook at home is our passion. Chef Scottie Love creates live online cooking experiences, showing you what is possible from our tiny kitchen. We offer our experiences to help you see the potential in YOUR kitchen. Life often requires we adapt recipes and rhythms along the way and we are here to help you.
Knowing what is in our food is a way of life for us, and we hope you will find something here to enrich your cooking experience. We believe good equipment and a little knowledge help to create great food. We look forward to creating real food with you, that’s a good life.
Good Taste
Food that’s good for you can taste good too! Choosing what to eat is not easy for many of us and it’s not always appealing to change what or how we cook. At Good Things With Love, our goal is to enhance your cooking at home by knowing what is on our plate. Experience guiding us where to invest time, money and ideas.
Good Choices
Good discretion is necessary; whether you are trying a recipe for the first time, looking to make the usual better, or bring out the best for a special occasion. When you make a choice to eat better, prioritize what is important to you. Good discretion takes time, and it is up to you to figure out where to spend your time, money, and energy. Eventually the choices will become easier and you will master the skills. You are worth it!
Good Directions
We believe half the success is a good recipe, the other half is you. Success is possible 100% of the time, with good directions and a good spirited approach. We encourage you to buy the best you can afford. Quality kitchen equipment is a step to making cooking enjoyable.
Our Achievements
Chef Scottie enjoyed 13 years as a Chef Instructor and has been in the industry since 1992. Learning new dishes, flavors, techniques and meeting good spirited people have led him on a path of good things with love.
Class Hours
Uses of "Portland Ketchup"
PCS All Clad D3 Cookware
Why Us?
Everday Something New
There is always something new every day: a picture of something to inspire you, or a new article looking to expand your thoughts about cooking, a video to help explain what we mean, or a recipe for you to try.
Exceptional Food
Great food comes from great intention. We all deserve to eat good food. Know your limitations and work to expand the box a little each time you take on a new recipe. We all started small and made lots of little decisions, and some mistakes, to get where we are today. We believes you deserve exceptional food.
Easy Recipe Directions
Sometimes a recipe can be long, but hopefully you can see every step and how to execute it with success. Half the success is the recipe and the other half is you. We’ve got your back.
Highly Responsible Chefs
We know there are other websites and books where you could choose to spend your time and money, but we strive to make recipes form our cooking style. Recipes that reflect the quality of life you deserve.
Support Availability
The internet never sleeps, and neither do we. We do our best to respond to your questions and inquiries. Please be patient with us, we do actually find time to sleep.
Accessible Ingredients
Our recipes are meant to be approachable not intimidating, but sometimes you need to plan ahead to find a special ingredient. If the internet has shown us anything it’s that you can get almost anything anytime of the year, it might just take a couple weeks to get it in the mail. Be patient and plan.
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Our Creators
Scottie Love
Chef Proprietor
Arland Love
Flavor Guru
Jane Doe
Nutritionist Expert